Simple abrasive felt disc for abrasive pastes and metal cleaning

Simple abrasive felt disc


Round discs with or without hole.

Disco semplice in feltro abrasivo per la pulizia e lucidatura
Applicazioni Applications
  • Metal finishing
  • Woodwork
  • Satin finish
Scheda tecnica Data sheet


Ventilated cotton disk

Quilted cotton discs

Cotton disk for cutlery

Directional and non-directional pleated cotton discs

Mini pleated cotton

Maxi pleated cotton discs

Abrasive felt

Wavy cotton sisal discs

Compact sisal discs

Disc in pure sisal and cloth sisal

Cotton and sisal discs

Sisal and ventilated cotton sisal discs

Discs in pleated sisal canvas

Maxi pleated sisal-cotton discs

Corrugated cotton discs

Sisal rope discs

Sisal rope discs for cutlery

Corrugated iron discs

Ventilated abrasive felt disc

Pleated abrasive felt disc

Wavy abrasive felt disc

Tampic disc

Reduction and clamping flanges